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Loan Calculators

These Australian loan calculators are provided for your convenience to calculate estimates based on various aspects, terms & durations of loans.

Most Popular Loan Calculators

Most Popular Loan Calculators

The loan calculators below provided by the MFAA (VisionAbacus) are not designed to work properly on mobile (they favour tablets and desktops), however, we have still made these available for you to use if you pinch and move the screen.

This calculator will give you an estimate idea for how much you can borrow.

This calculator will give you what the mortgage repayments could be based on the amount you borrow.

This calculator enables you to find out how much time and money you could save by making more repayments.

This calculator enables you to calculate the real cost of buying a property.

  • This calculator factors in government charges, lender fees and other expenses to calculate the estimated cost.

This calculator enables you to calculate whether you will save money by switching to another mortgage.

This calculator enables you to calculate the amount of repayment by Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly repayments.

Loan Calculators For Various Home Loans

Loan Calculators For Various Home Loans

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